Empowering Cyclists: Promoting Road Safety with Protected Bike Lanes

In celebration of UN World Bike Day we presented a webinar about promoting road safety for cyclists, by designing safe intersections with protected bike lanes.

Bicycles are a popular mode of transportation with benefits for individuals and communities around sustainability, convenience, and promoting active lifestyles. As cycling continues to grow as a popular mode of transportation, upgrading existing infrastructure with protected bike lanes and appropriate signage is imperative to accommodate growth and promote road safety.

In this webinar, we explored ideas for designing protected bike lanes and using signage markings at intersections to ensure all road users’ needs are balanced and that cyclists can pedal confidently in a shared road space.

During this webinar, we will show you how to:

  • Integrate new bicycle facilities into existing infrastructure to promote road safety
  • Design safe bicycle intersections and facilities with AutoTURN Pro
  • Modify pavement markings and signage with GuideSIGN Sigma

Presenter: Elisabeth Hofbauer-Spitzer, P.Eng Senior Transportation Engineer


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